Compare | Title | State | Types of buildings | Number of individual rooms | Number of low care places | Number of high care places | |
Add to compare | Carinya House |
NSW | Multi-storey buildings have lifts | 60 | 60 | --- | |
Add to compare | Melrose Cottage Settlement |
NSW | Single storey | 65 | 65 | --- | |
Add to compare | IBIS Care Big Sister Hostel | NSW | Multi-storey buildings have lifts | 76 | 76 | --- | |
Add to compare | Frank Vickery Lodge | NSW | Two-story building with lifts | 69 | 69 | --- | |
Add to compare | WG Taylor Lodge | NSW | Two-story building with lifts | 75 | 75 | --- | |
Add to compare | St Joseph's Village | NSW | Multi-storey buildings have lifts | 80 | 80 | --- | |
Add to compare | Lottie Stewart Nursing Home | NSW | Single storey | 68 | 68 | --- | |
Add to compare | Lourantos Village | NSW | Multi-storey buildings have lifts | 80 | 80 | --- | |
Add to compare | Concord Community Hostel | NSW | Single storey | 62 | 62 | --- | |
Add to compare | Dougherty Apartments | NSW | High-rise | 68 | 68 | --- | |